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A conjunction is often described as a joining word. 'And' and 'But' are conjunctions. Such words are used to join parts of a sentence or sentences.

e.g. He went to the corner shop and bought a loaf of bread.'

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Q: Conjunctions are also known as what word.?
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What are the uses of connectives in a language?

Connectives in a language are also known as conjunctions and are used in order to join words together in word groups. These include "but", "and", and "so".

What is another name for coordinating conjunctions?

Coordinating conjunctions are also known as coordinators. They are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance in a sentence.

What is a way to remember the conjunctions?

F for A and N nor B but O or Y yet S since also the word because can be used as a conjunction Also known as "FANBOYS" for short .

What is combining word?

Conjunctions .

Is it correct to use a comma after the word and?

No. After the word and comma can not be used, as it is grammatically inappropriate to use comma after conjunctions such as and, which are called coordinate conjunctions.

What part of speech is the word which?

Which, along with who, that, whose, what, how, etc., are relative pronouns. They can also be used as subordinate conjunctions.

What is 3 kinds of conjunctions?

you mean what are three kinds of conjunctions well there are and but or also

What is the absence of normal conjunctions?

The absence of normal conjunctions is known as asyndeton. In writing or speaking, this technique involves omitting conjunctions (such as "and," "but," "or") to create a sense of urgency, speed, or impact.

What is a connecting word called?

A connecting word is called a conjunction. Conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Examples of conjunctions include "and," "but," and "or."

How are capital letters used in titles?

Capital letters are typically used for the first letter of each word in a title, with specific exceptions such as articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. This is known as title case. Capitals are also used for proper nouns, significant terms, and the first and last word in a title.

What word is a joining word?

A joining word is typically referred to as a conjunction. Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Common examples of conjunctions include "and," "but," and "or."

Is than a limiting adjective?

No it is conjunction. Conjounction are words that connect words to other words (or group of word). And, or are also conjunctions