She attended Washington D.C. Conference on Children and Youth.
Washington Week in Review - 1967 Christie Saga Continues McDonnell's Downfall Election Reform and Syria Peace Conference was released on: USA: 31 January 2014
Henry Sylvester-Williams..
First Washington Conference
First Washington Conference
After the Pearl Harbor attack, it was the First Washington Conference (named the Arcadian Conference); December 22, 1941.
the Washington naval conference was on 1921-1922
InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington was created in 1978.
Warren Harding called the Washington Disarmament Conference (otherwise known as the Washington Naval Conference) from 1921 - 1922. It was outside the League of Nations, attended by 9 countries regarding interest in the Pacific Ocean and East Asia. It was the first arms control conference in history and was considered a model for success in the disarmament movement.
Codename Butterflies - 2009 was released on: USA: 8 March 2009 (Washington D.C. Independent Film Festival)
The purpose of the Washington disarmament conference is to control the construction of navy ships.
Save Britain FIRST (Europe First).
The leaders of the Washington Conference hoped to attain naval disarmament among the world's major powers
Eastern Washington has been a member of the Big Sky Conference since 1987.
Delegates to the Washington Naval Conference tried to reduce construction of large ships.