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Yes, if your mother married her brother or got raped by him, or if she married her brother-in-law after being widowed or divorced and the second husband adopted the children of her first marriage and you were one of those children.

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Q: Can your uncle be your father?
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What is your father's uncle to you?

Your uncle is your father's or mother's brother so your uncle's father is your grandfather.

How do you address your father's uncle?

Your father's uncle is your great uncle.

Uncle is to aunt as father is to?

Uncle is to aunt as father is to mother.

What would you call your mother's father's uncle?

Your mother's father's uncle is your mother's great uncle and your great great uncle.

Who is my uncle on my fathers side?

Your uncle on your father's side is your father's brother.

What relation is your aunt's father-in-law to you?

Your uncle's brother can be your father, your father's brother/your uncle, your mother's brother/your uncle, an uncle-in-law maybe if he's married to your aunt. Too many possibilities to be certain. Your uncle's brother can be your father, your father's brother/your uncle, your mother's brother/your uncle, an uncle-in-law maybe if he's married to your aunt. Too many possibilities to be certain. Your uncle's brother can be your father, your father's brother/your uncle, your mother's brother/your uncle, an uncle-in-law maybe if he's married to your aunt. Too many possibilities to be certain.

What relationship is your father brothers to you?

Your father's brother is your uncle. You are his niece (if you are female) or his nephew (if you are male).

Who is the brother of your uncle?

Your father or another uncle.

How is someone your uncle?

Your uncle is the brother of your mother or your father - or the husband of the sister of your mother or your father.

What is your uncle's brother to you?

It depends on how he's your uncle. If he's your uncle because he's your father's brother, his brother is also your uncle. Or your father. If he's your uncle because he's your mother's brother, his brother is also your uncle. If he's your uncle because he's married to your mother's or father's sister, his brother is pretty much "no relation" to you, or at least English does not have a specific phrase for the relationship that's more concise than "uncle's brother".

What do you call your fathers brother?

Your brother's father isyour father, unless you are half-brothers. In that case, your brother's father might be your stepfather

What is your dad's brother's wife's sister to you?

Your father's brother is your uncle. Your uncle's wife is your aunt (and your father's sister-in-law). Her sister is not related to you or to your father, but is your uncle's sister-in-law.