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Yeah boi u can do anything sexi like dhat it wont even reduce the price trust me ima prostitute

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Q: Can you trade in gamestop games without the case?
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When you trade in games for Gamestop do you need the case?

no you dont they will put it in a case for you

Can you trade in Nintendo DS games without a case?

Yes, you can trade games without the game case. However, many people do not like having only the cartridge so it may be difficult to find some who would be willing to trade for it.

Can you sell a game at gamestop with no manual and with a broken case some of my cases have pieces missing and most have no manuals will gamestop still take these games and give me cash?

Of course you can. gamestop does not care . All they want to do is make money. I traded in a bunch of games without the manuals and broken cases.

Can you trade in psp games without a case?

Hi! NO! The case is protecting the disc, so the game with out it is deadly for the disc.

Does Gamestop accept all Xbox games?

They do, if it is a disc that has a case and still works.

How much is a psp case at Gamestop?

i saw the oficial gamestop psp 3000 case at gamestop for about 2 $

How much money will gamestop give you for a Game Boy Advanced SP a case and 5-7 games?

about 20$ for the sp and 3-4 for the games not sure about the case

Can your playstation3 download games from gamestopcom?

No u can only buy games off the ps store or go to (in this case) a gamestop and get the disc

Does gamestop sell game cases without the game Ps my dog bit apart my case so I need a case for my advance warfare lol?

Unfortunately, GameStop does not sell game cases. You can find game cases on eBay.

Does Gamestop buy game cases?

If you mean the cases that the video games come in then no. Not unless the video game is in the case.

Can you trade forex without any money?

Yes, you can trade. But you can't earn in this case

Can you trade DS games at game stop that do not have a case?

yes they will but it has to work