Yeah boi u can do anything sexi like dhat it wont even reduce the price trust me ima prostitute
New PS2s cost $100 and used are worth far less. When you look at Ebay prices for the used PS2s the first thing you wonder is why some people pay so much more than others. But they do so you can get as much as someone will pay for it. Gamestop sells used PS2s for $60 & $70 and I can't understand why anyone would pay that for a used machine even if it is called refurbished, but many do even though Gamestop also sell new machines for $100..
No the PS3 games are on Blu-ray disc and if it did not have a blu-ray player it could not play the games except as downloads from the PlayStation network. In any case it is not sold without the Blu-ray. The system also plays DVDs and CDs as part of the Blu-ray player
The main Star Wars website has lots of games. But I also suggest Google search i case the games on aren't to your liking
Describe the case of defiance of shoe respect in surat
Depends on the type of case. In some cases the defense can argue that as the victim doesn't wish to turn up they are therefore forfeting the case. In other cases the police may choose to take the case to court even without the victim if there is sufficent evidence to do so.
no you dont they will put it in a case for you
Yes, you can trade games without the game case. However, many people do not like having only the cartridge so it may be difficult to find some who would be willing to trade for it.
Of course you can. gamestop does not care . All they want to do is make money. I traded in a bunch of games without the manuals and broken cases.
Hi! NO! The case is protecting the disc, so the game with out it is deadly for the disc.
They do, if it is a disc that has a case and still works.
i saw the oficial gamestop psp 3000 case at gamestop for about 2 $
about 20$ for the sp and 3-4 for the games not sure about the case
No u can only buy games off the ps store or go to (in this case) a gamestop and get the disc
Unfortunately, GameStop does not sell game cases. You can find game cases on eBay.
If you mean the cases that the video games come in then no. Not unless the video game is in the case.
Yes, you can trade. But you can't earn in this case
yes they will but it has to work