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Q: Can you put bleach in dishwater?
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Is it safe to put bleach in dishwater?

No, it is not safe to put bleach in dishwater. Bleach is a harsh chemical that can be toxic if ingested, and it can react with other substances in the dishwater, producing harmful fumes. It is best to use dish soap that is specifically designed for dishwashing.

When using bleach as a disinfectant in dish water how hot should the water be?

When using bleach as a disinfectant in dishwater, the water should be at room temperature. Hot water can reduce the effectiveness of the bleach. Add the bleach after the detergent and let the dishes soak for at least five minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

How do you get the made in China smell off a hot water bottle I bought it online and it smells so bad I feel like throwing up?

Put in the dishwater with hot water, if you do not have a dishwater, put it under very hot running water with some dishwater, and let it soak their overnight. If you need to use it right away scrub it well with hot water, soap and a sponge.

What color should a girl dye her hair if it is dishwater blond?

Auburn, because it will get off-colors if you try to go directly to a darker color. Or you could bleach out first and then go to the desired color.

How to bleach dark hair blonde?

You put it in bleach

What rhymes with dishwater?


How To sterlise clothes?

you can put bleach on them before you put them in the washer. just let them soak in the bleach

If you put beetroot juice in bleach what colour will the bleach be?

It will turn colourless.

Can you put bleach highlight on beige blonde hair?

Yes, you can put bleach highlights on beige blonde hair.

Can you put bleach in your hair?

yes you can

What is the pH color for liquid dishwater?


What happens if I put bleach on my mint backpack?

It will no longer be mint. Bleach removes color.