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Nothing will happen. Trust me. When people say that if you touch a nest full of baby birds the mother will abandon it, its not true. Some people believe that or parents just say that to little kids to keep them from touching it. Mother birds will NOT abandon their young if you touch or even handle the chick. I know first hand because as a teen I wanted to become a vet and I hatched a robin egg. Once it hatched I put it back into its mothers nest. I watched the nest and she always came back. Even if I came close or even touched to check the chick I hatched. It eventually grew up and flew away. So, don't believe it if you touch baby birds that the mother will abandon it. Its NOT true!

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12y ago
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12y ago

If you find a egg in a nest try not to touch it because the mother will not come back for it,but if it's on the ground you can try to save it by buying hand feeding bird seed and feed it that if it hatches. Good luck!

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15y ago

If your scent rubs off on it, its mother will abandon it.

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12y ago

Nothing, robins have very poor sense of smell and any scent you might leave on the egg will not cause problems. This is information that I received from the Audubon society

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The eggs wont hatch or the babies might die. Once disturbed, the parents abandon the nest

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Q: Can you move a robins nest with babies in it?
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Do robins move their babies out of the nest?

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the colour of a robins nest is red

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im sorry idk but robbins can eat apples, raisins, blueberries, raspberries, etc.! i have a robins nest by my house and i through raisins out for the mom to bring to her babies!

How many babies do mother robins have?

Robins usually have lay 4 eggs and then stop. They rarely have more and it is said that if one sees more than 4 eggs that another robin probably laid them in the "borrowed" nest. I have at this moment, though, a nest with 6 ! baby robins in it. All 6 look as if they are ready to fly.

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Mourning doves do not move their eggs around. They lay their eggs in a nest, and they rarely leave the nest unattended.

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Joanne Robins Barton has written: 'Out of the Robins nest'

I have a rabbit who made a nest up high can i move it im worried about the babies falling?

Yes you can move it but make sure that the mother isn't looking and that you wear gloves so that you don't put your scent on the nest or the babies

How does a mother bird move her babies?

She doesn't. She lays them in her (already made) nest and keeps them there.

When do robins build their nest and hatch?

Robins don't give birth they hatch eggs.

Can you move the nest after the robins have left?

Maybe you could ask the loacal primary school, if they would like it for their young students to study.

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What do American robins live in?

in nest in trees.