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Yes you can. Sometimes the chemistry of two people just doesn't mix any longer or some people simply have too high of an expectation re love (they think the magic lasts forever.) In addition, throughout a relationship the specific "type" of love changes. What is often referred to as "young love" is not age specific to the individuals, but refers to the age of the relationship. This is essentially the "getting to know you" phase in which you find yourself wanting to spend as much time as possible with the person. Moreover, this is the phase in which the majority of those "butterfly" feelings and yes, passionate thoughts, occur. It is a fantastic time in a relationship, however, it often does not last more than one or two years. One of the biggest mistakes made by couples is the misconception that the way the relationship is during those first two years and how intense those feelings are will never stop. Most of the time, the "young love" stage is replaced with a sense of mutal respect, caring, and compassion. This is not to imply all of the feelings during the "young love" stage are gone, but that they have simply grown into a stronger love that goes beyond simply the physical relationship. Love has never been defined since the world began. Each person has an opinion as to what love is. When we say the word "love" we almost expect perfection and that just isn't going to happen because no one is perfect. When young and we fall in love the world around us explodes into a thousand colored lights, but when we get to know each other then a new type of love enters. There should be a feeling of missing that person when they aren't around, loyalty, honesty and wanting to make each other as happy as possible and that doesn't always include gift giving or trying to constantly impress the other mate. Love is comfort and a feeling of being safe.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

It means that you're not in love with the person you once were with anymore. Instead of them making you happy, they make you mad. They stop becoming the one person you thought you couldn't live life without. They stop being your number 1 priority, they stop looking like the most beautiful person you know, they just become another person in your life you don't want or need around anymore.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

it means that you dont feel anything as a lover for your partner anymore you may still like them as a friend though

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