Yes, they do. They typically lay 4 eggs, one each day.
Weta lay between 200 to 300 eggs at one time depending on their size. The eggs then take between three to five months in order to hatch.
An Internet search found that female robins lay one egg per day and that they often hatch one per day in the same order they were laid.
You can actually get INFINITE eggs from the Day Care, but may only receive one at a time.
Both have a backbone and four appendages. They are animals that breathe and rely on food and water.
one per day
o ton they lay about 260 eggs a day. Most chickens lay about one egg per day. After the chicken gets around one year old they start to produce less eggs. Chickens do not produce eggs every day. A good hen will produce 320 to 340 per yesr.
No matter what the breed, a chicken can only lay one egg about every 24 hours. The real difference is how many eggs a year. Some industrial chickens can lay over 250 eggs a year on average.
That greatly depends on how many chickens you have. One chicken will lay one egg a day. so, if you have 10 chickens you will get 10 eggs daily.
Each chicken takes a day and a half to lay one egg. So in 24 days each chicken can lay 2/3 of 24 = 16 eggs. There are 24 chicken so, in all, 24*16 = 384 eggs can be laid.
It depends on the breed. Usually you will get one a day during warm weather providing the hen is happy ie has enough water and food etc. During cold weather they sometimes won't lay everyday. Also during their moulting period they can stop laying. As a rule of thumb they would, on average, lay around 300 eggs a year.
No one invented them chicken lay eggs
Each individual chicken lays only one egg per day maximum. There are no breeds of chicken that lay more than one egg in a 24 hour period and many breeds do not lay even that fast.
in one day they lay from 3 - 10 eggs a day
216 Eggs.
A chicken in peak laying period will lay an egg every 25 hours. so in a 30-31 day mont they lay about 29 eggs. Ideally a bird should lay for 305 eggs per year.