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You can live with a friend as long as they have a resident order for you.this is an order that means you can have someone to live with you if they are not a relative.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago


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βˆ™ 4y ago

im twelve and don't want to live with my mother and would like it much better if I lived with my grandmother cause she doesn't hit me or yell at me and doesn't smoke

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βˆ™ 4y ago

can I live with my grandmother?

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Q: Can minor live with friend
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If I an sixteen can I live with a friend without the permission of my parents?

No. You are still a minor and your parents remain responsible for you until you become an adult.

If a child runs away from home in Pennsylvania to live with a friend is the friend's parent obligated to contact the parents to let them know?

Yes, or the parents could be charged with kiddnapping a minor.

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No, she does not have the ability to make that choice. She is a minor and the parents make the rules.

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Yes you are a minor. You would need parental consent to move.

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The police will bring him home as a runaway. Until he reaches the age of majority, 18 in Michigan, a minor is expected to live where their parents want them to live.

Is it illegal for a minor to move in with a friend?

uhm. if that minor doesn't have parental consent then yes.

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She can be charged with Fraud, and if your "friend" is a minor juvenile, they could be charged with permitting an assault on the minor.

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she is a friend of deja minor

Can minors live alone in Iowa?

No, minors can not live alone in the state of Iowa. The only way a minor can live alone is if the minor has been emancipated.

Can a non minor live with a minor?

MINOR is a small amount e.g. a minor injury so... you must be thinking of the wrong minor. There are 3 types of minor they are minor, miner and mynah.

Can a minor marry an adult with parental consent?

It depends on where you live and how old the minor is.

Can a minor move to a different state to live with an aunt?

A minor can move to a different state to live with an aunt as long as they have permission from their parents.