yes as ditto is compatible with all Pokemon and the Pokemon it mated with will be the baby.
get a ditto and what Pokemon you want to be in the egg to the day care put them in the day care together then later they will say they found a egg or instead of a ditto bring two of the same Pokemon opposite genders and do the same
After Defeating the three legendary pokemons in Pokemon ranger you get a list of missions. one of the missions will have the manaphy mission. once fifnishing the mission you will be allowed to keep the manaphy egg. transfer the egg to Pokemon pearl or diamond. Hatch the egg. Put manaphy in the day care center with a ditto. Soon you will get an egg, hatch it and you get a phione.
get a ditto and the Pokemon u need then keep them in the day care.u can only get a ditto with a poke radar
breed it with a ditto
Just breed a Beldum, Metang or Metagross with a Ditto in the daycare, or with one of the pokemon in the Mineral egg group.
to be with ditto no with any outher male Pokemon yes
no it can't no it can't no it can't put in in the daycare with a ditto and they will have an egg
Breed Manaphy with a ditto in the daycare center, then hatch the egg.
get a ditto and what Pokemon you want to be in the egg to the day care put them in the day care together then later they will say they found a egg or instead of a ditto bring two of the same Pokemon opposite genders and do the same
Any Pokemon with a matching Egg Group can be able to breed. Ditto, with the exception of having its own Egg Group, can be able to breed with any Pokemon, except for Baby Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon (Besides Manaphy, who can be bred with Ditto to get a Phione Egg), and No-Egg grouped Pokemon.
breed a ditto with a piplup, a prinplup, or an empoleon. or breed 2 piplup, prinplup, or empoleon.
put 2 of the same Pokemon in the daycare 1 boy 1 girl and wait for a egg or put the Pokemon you want in the daycare and a ditto and wait for a egg
yes a male and a ditto in the daycare will yield an egg ,in fact any Pokemon in the daycare with a ditto will have an egg with the exeption of all ledgendarys but manaphy. Zacczz: & deoxys if a ditto & deoxys lay an egg it will be a random Pokemon.
i don't know the code but there is another way you can if you have a fire red you catch a ditto and send him to the diamond version then you take any Pokemon rare candy or poke ball and they have an egg and you hatch it and its the Pokemon you put with ditto
put ditto on your party and put lurio on your party and an egg on your party when it hacth it will be a lurio fact no Legendary Pokemon can breed except Rotom.
Nothing. Since a Ditto can no breed with another Ditto. They will produce no egg.