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I found a website "textbook of basic nursing" that states pen-aqueous G antibiotics can be administered orally, IM & IV. However, it states Pen- G with procaine is IM only.

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Q: Can injectable pen aqueous be given orally?
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Should pen-aqueous be refrigerated?

I'm not sure. please answer: What is pen-aqueous?

How much pen-aqueous to give a goat?

The dosage of Penicillin G Procaine (Pen-Aqueous) for a goat is typically 3-4.5 mL per 100 lbs of body weight, given intramuscularly. Always consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage based on the goat's specific condition and weight.

Can pen-aqueous begiven to nursing mother goats?

Nothing should ever be given to ANY animal without a VETERINARIAN recommendation!!

What is the passive voice of give you a pen?

I have been given a pen. This is a passive construction because it does not state who gave me the pen, only that the pen has been given. An active version would be, he gave me a pen.

Is it safe to give a nursing sheep pen-aqueous?

Only if your veterinarian prescribes it

What is the passive voice of give me the pen?

Let the pen be given to me.

How much pen aqueous med can you give a ROOSTER?

Try searching that at BackYard Chickens. Good luck readers.

Is it safe to give pen-aqueous after the expiration date?

In general, no - the active medication starts to break down in solution.

How often can you use combi-pen-48 injectable for dog?

Combi-Pen-48 is typically administered once every 24 hours as directed by a veterinarian. It is important to follow the vet's instructions on the frequency and dosage of this injectable medication for your dog's specific condition. Overuse or misuse of Combi-Pen-48 can lead to adverse effects, so always consult with your vet.

Can you give fish pen penicillin to a cat?

Fish pen penicillin can be given to a cat being treated for an infection. However, like with all drugs, it should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian.

How do you give pen-aqueous shot?

Penicillin shots are given IM. Intro Muscularly So you must be familiar with your dogs anatomy. The hind quarter is the best place to do an IM shot on a dog. If you've never done it before have a vet or tech teach you how or you can do a lot more harm to your dog than good.

What was unusually about the pen given to Percy?

in the book Percy actually said that the pen looked like an ordinary pen but when u clicked the end it turned into his sword riptide