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No, male mules are infertile (sterile). Most female mules are also infertile, but about one in a million female mules (and other true hybrids) are fertile. There have been about 40 recorded cases of female mule fertility in the past 100 years, the last few (since the 1980s) verified by DNA. A few years ago a female mule in Morocco gave birth, and also a mare mule in Colorado. The foals were sired by donkeys. There has never been a recorded case of a verified fertile male mule.

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15y ago
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14y ago

No, mules are hybrids between two different species, and as such are considered sterile - they cannot reproduce.

Male mules are always sterile. Female mules can very rarely produce offspring, but this is so rare as to make headlines in veterinary literature. If mated to a male horse the offspring would be 75% horse. There is no name for these offspring because they are such an oddity.

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12y ago

Yes. Mules can and do mate with each other, with horses or other donkeys. But the chances of the female mule getting bred and having offspring is slim to nil, as the vast majority of mules are infertile.

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10y ago

It is extremely unlikely that this could occur, as the vast majority of male mules are infertile.

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What animal does a Horse and a donkey make?

a male donkey and a female horse make a mule

Can baby mules be either male or female...and are they called foals or fillys?

Baby mules can be either male or female. A baby mule can be called a foal (gender non-specific), a filly (female) or a colt (male).

What is the offspring of a female donkey and a male horse called?

That is a mule.

What is the baby of a female horse and a male donkey?

This 'mixed marriage' will produce a hinny.

What two animals are the parents of a mule?

A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.

Is a mule a male?

There are both male and female mules.

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A mule is not sterile?

A male mule is always sterile, however , rarely, a female mule will be able to reproduce.

What two animals make a mule?

A mule is produced from the mating of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare). Mules are typically sterile as a result of the differing number of chromosomes between donkeys and horses.

Is it the female mule that can't reproduce?

All male mules and most female mules are infertile.

What is the plural form of mule?

MuleExamples:A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. (singular)All male mules and most female mules are infertile. (plural)

What two animals does a mule cross?

No, a mule is considered a hybrid as it is half donkey half horse, and donkeys and horses are not different breeds but different species (although they are in the same family). Mules are good as they have the characteristics of both donkeys and horses. They cannot breed due to an irregular number of chromosomes although there have been a very small number of reported times when they have managed.