Parker was the fourth, but only as a one night stand. (Season 4, Episode 3: "The Harsh Light of Day")
In Chosen, Buffy and Angel discuss Buffy's future and discuss whether the future was with Spike. This was also continued in Angel only with Spike showing off to Angel about his relationship with Buffy
In Buffy the Vampire Slayer she doesn't end up with anyone. However in the final Series of Angel she gets with the Immortal. Later, in the season eight comic of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we find out that it is possibly one of the two alias that is publicly hooking up with the immortal, thereby nulifying the possibility that we actually see Buffy in this episode of Angel.
Buffy and Spike never appear together in any episode of Angel; they appeared in separate episodes of Angel season 1, but were not a "couple" at that time. During the brief periods in Buffy's 6th and 7th seasons when the two were together, neither appears on Angel. Spike is a main cast member for Angel's 5th and final season, and there is a single episode in which he and Angel go to Rome to rescue Buffy from a demon. However, the girl they think is Buffy is never seen beyond the top of her head, on a crowded dance floor, and it is revealed in the Buffy continuation comic books that the girl was a decoy anyway.
Buffy appeared in two episodes of the first season of Angel, "I Will Remember You" and "Sanctuary". (Angel appears in 5 episodes of Buffy from season 4 onward.)She was mentioned several times relating to Angel's past, as well as her death at the end of Buffy season 5. Footage of her from Buffy episodes is also used on occasion.At the end of Angel season 5, there is an episode where Spike and Angel track Buffy down in Rome to save her from a demon. However, the Buffy continuation comic reveals that this is merely a decoy Buffy.
In Chosen, Buffy and Angel discuss Buffy's future and discuss whether the future was with Spike. This was also continued in Angel only with Spike showing off to Angel about his relationship with Buffy
Angel and Buffy were togather till season 3 or 4. Then Angel left on buffys graduation day to L.A. to protect her. Then buffy falls inlove with spike in season 6. Buffy obviously loves both Angel and Spike, but its Angel she truly loves. I hope this answer isn't biased or anything, for I am a Bangel shipper(though I like Spuffy too).
In Buffy the Vampire Slayer she doesn't end up with anyone. However in the final Series of Angel she gets with the Immortal. Later, in the season eight comic of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we find out that it is possibly one of the two alias that is publicly hooking up with the immortal, thereby nulifying the possibility that we actually see Buffy in this episode of Angel.
Buffy and Spike never appear together in any episode of Angel; they appeared in separate episodes of Angel season 1, but were not a "couple" at that time. During the brief periods in Buffy's 6th and 7th seasons when the two were together, neither appears on Angel. Spike is a main cast member for Angel's 5th and final season, and there is a single episode in which he and Angel go to Rome to rescue Buffy from a demon. However, the girl they think is Buffy is never seen beyond the top of her head, on a crowded dance floor, and it is revealed in the Buffy continuation comic books that the girl was a decoy anyway.
Buffy appeared in two episodes of the first season of Angel, "I Will Remember You" and "Sanctuary". (Angel appears in 5 episodes of Buffy from season 4 onward.)She was mentioned several times relating to Angel's past, as well as her death at the end of Buffy season 5. Footage of her from Buffy episodes is also used on occasion.At the end of Angel season 5, there is an episode where Spike and Angel track Buffy down in Rome to save her from a demon. However, the Buffy continuation comic reveals that this is merely a decoy Buffy.
At the cemetery, Buffy stalks her vampire prey, killing several new vampires with a little unwanted help from both Riley and Spike. Riley demonstrates quite a bit of enthusiasm and new strength while fighting, while Buffy simply orders Spike to stay out of her way. As Buffy and Riley leave, Spike swears to taste Buffy's blood, but as he walks off, he falls into an open grave. Buffy and Willow debate over a topic from class and discuss Buffy's busy schedule. Buffy arrives at the magic shop to train and is pleasantly surprised to see that the backroom has been transformed into an amazing training room. Harmony seeks Spike and his help because she is frightened that Buffy is out to destroy her. The two conspire to kill the Slayer. While Joyce makes breakfast for Dawn, she briefly wonders who Dawn is before collapsing onto the floor. At the hospital, an intern informs Buffy and Riley that Joyce will be fine but that doctors aren't sure what caused her to collapse. Dawn is playing with a stethoscope and when she listens to Riley's heart, she finds that it is racing much faster than normal. After listening to Riley's heart, a doctor recommends that he stay in the hospital at the high risk of a heart attack, but Riley disregards their concerns. Buffy tries to think of a way to help Riley and finally resolves to go to Riley's place and contact the Initiative via the bugs in his room. Still part of the government, Graham tries to force Riley to see a doctor, but Riley is stronger than Graham and the other agents and gets away. After speaking with Graham later that day, Buffy takes it upon herself to get Riley to a doctor before he dies. Buffy gives Spike information about the doctor that can help Riley hoping that the vampire could help find Riley and bring him there. Instead, Spike and Harmony kidnap the doctor in order to force him to remove Spike's chip. Buffy finds Riley in the Initiative caves, punching into rock because he can't feel any pain. He tells her that he's afraid he won't be enough for her once he lets the doctors operate on him. After convincing Riley to get medical attention, Buffy brings him to the hospital and finds the doctor gone. Just after the doctor finishes sewing up Spike's skull, Buffy arrives with Riley and a fight ensues. As he tries to bite the Slayer, Spike finds that the doctor only pretended to remove the chip from his head. When Riley suffers a heart attack and collapses while fighting Harmony, Buffy and the doctor immediately turn their attention to him. With the humans distracted, an enraged Spike escapes with Harmony, ranting about his disgust with Buffy and his weariness with how she is seemingly the source of everything wrong with his life. The doctor is able to operate successfully on Riley. Later, Graham talks with Riley and tells him he no longer has a purpose in Sunnydale. Without the Initiative, he's nothing. Afterwards, Buffy goes to Spike's crypt with the intention of staking him; however, when she confronts him, he angrily tells her to kill him. Spike angrily berates Buffy as the source of his torment, and yells that he would rather die and be free of her: however, Buffy cannot bring herself to do it and the pair kiss. Suddenly Spike wakes up beside a still sleeping Harmony; he's merely suffered a nightmare, but Spike is mortified at the thought he has feelings for Buffy.
Angel is the spinoff of buffy the vampire slayer. It is based off Angeles/Angel buffys love from the show. They also bring Cordelia chase over from the show and when buffy the vampire slayer ends Spike will go over to the show Angel as well.
Probably because Angel is jealous of Spike, because although it was mainly his choice to leave Buffy, he still loves her. Also, he probably isn't really accustomed to the fact that Spike is no longer evil, and he is probably concerned about Buffy's wellbeing when it comes to them being a couple. As well as this, he and Spike are kind of always at each other's throats, so it's probably mainly his dislike of Spike and his jealousy.
Spike made an appearance in season 1 of Angel, attempting to obtain a magical artifact that would make him invulnerable; this story line is a crossover from Buffy season 4 where Spike is very much "alive" (as in, undead) and soulless.Spike does not join the cast of Angel full time until season 5, which aired the next year after Buffy had ended. His appearance in Angel is a continuation of his character arc's final moments in "Chosen", the series finale of Buffy, where he is returned to L.A. first as a ghost, then as a corporeal vampire (and with his soul).
Yes a were wolf can fall in love with a vampire but it is uncommon for it to happen but a friend of mine is a hybrid so her mom is a werewolf that fell for a vampire so it happens just not offen
Yes Spike Does Die,Unfortunately. He Dies In The Very Last Episode Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Chosen: Series 7.However Spike Appears In The Television Show Angel. He Is Brought Back From The Dead In Series 5. And Is In Angel From Series 5 Till The Very Last Episode Of Angel.Any Questions About Angel, Buffy, Charmed?? Ask Me. x I Have All Of The Episodes And Have Seen Every Single Of Of Them Over 40 Times. xFrom DeanAndDangersz