Well what i have used before worked preety well. What I had on my team was a lv54 infernape a lv52 floatzle a lv 54 roserade a lv55 staraptor a lv55 luxray (if you are playing platinum than use electabuzz) finally i had a lv54 garchomp. Do not teach garchomp dragon rush trust me. That's my allstar team for the elite four. Good luck!!
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Here are some suggestions:
Gengar, Abomasnow, Crobat, Torterra, Floatzel, Luxray.
Gyarados, Torterra, Luxray, Rapidash, Gastrodon, Beautifly.
Inferenape, Flotzal, Roseerade, Luxray, Weavile,Kadabra.
Roserade, Empolen, Rapidash, Luxray, Staraptor, Driftlim.
Empoleon, Luxray, Heatran, Staraptor, Giratina, Glacion.
Gengar, Staraptor, Luxray, Empoleon, Gallade, Garvedor.
lopunny it has to learn ice beam,empoleon it has to learn hydro pump,palkia or dialga need to learn heal block and spacial rend because champion cythia keep on use full restore and chatot (don't no how to spell ) it need to learn mimic because champion cythia uses powerful atakks like earthquake (power-145 accuracy-100
hope you enjoy :D
PS they have to be lvl 30-75
Dustin here my team was way better all i needed were two Pokemon
Charizard-lvl 100 knows Heat wave, blast burn, return, and flamethrower
MewTwo- lvl 76 knows Shadow Ball, Psychic, swift and hyper beam
with this team i can add any other four i want have fun with this one
oh and i am way more of a ninja than you will ever be
In my opinion i just needed one Pokemon. I had empoleon lvl 100. her moves were drill peck,hydro pump,surf,waterfall.The rest of the party i never used but had just in case my empoleon fainted which never happened. Beating the elite four is a great way to train Pokemon.Put exp. share on a low lvl Pokemon and put it in the party and it levels pretty fast.
Your best shot at the Pokemon league is having many different types. You should definitely have a fire, water, dragon, electric and ice type. These do the most damage on almost every Pokemon. You should have Pokemon leveled in the 50s or 60s. If your team is below 45, I recommend retraining in caves or fighting against Pokemon that are super effective to your own team.
The best would be the last evoulution of your starter and the legendary Pokemon of your game either palkia or dialga (you should of caught it with a master ball that you got from galactic boss when you set azelf uxie and mespirit free from galactic veilstone building then you should have gone to the top of mt cornet and battled the galactic bosses and versesd the ledgendary) also add Pokemon level 50 or over. Remember to have a selection of types.
I used Infernape for Aaron. He is the user of bug types and bug types are weak against fire. For Bertha I used Floztel. You need to have it learn surf and waterfall. For Flint I also used Floztel. Kinda obvious because he is a master of fire types. And the last guy I forgot his name but he is the master of pshycic types. If you hit it hard enough then it will be effective but don't have a normal type because you will loose. I also had a Palika, Pikachu, Torterra, and a Staraptor. I bet them easily. But heads up you also have to beat the Chalenger at the end. It can intense if you don't know your types
It depends on the Pokemon game you are playing, and if you are fighting the rematches with them. Your strategy depends on your playing style, and the Pokemon at your disposal. If this is the first time, having diverse types in your team can be a big help. For example, my team configuration for the Elite Four and basically the entire game goes a little like this: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Flying, and another type, preferably either Ground, Rock, or Steel ,whichever compliments my team more. There are no "best Pokemon" to beat the Elite Four. Having well trained Pokemon (most likely the ones you raised the entire game) being prepared with Healing Items, Held Items, and maybe X Items will up your chances. If you wish, you can use the Legendary Pokemon you caught beforehand to help. (This does not apply to Generation 5.) However, if you just want a pre-made team, I have a couple of my team configurations that I won against the Elite Four with in several generations.
Generation-1- Charizard, Victreebel, Vaporeon, Raichu, Primeape, Dugtrio.
Generation-2- Meganium, Arcanine, Kingdra, Dodrio, Electabuzz, Espeon.
Generation-3- Swampert, Ninetales, Breloom, Manectric, Aggron, Crobat.
Generation-4- Empoleon, Houndoom, Leafeon, Luxray, Altaria, Golem.
Generation-5- Emboar, Simisage, Carracosta, Braviary, Haxorus, Excadrill.
after u beat the elite four
Yes you can you have to beat the elite four and then get the national pokedex.
The first thing you have to be sure of is that you have beaten the Elite Four. Do that first!
It doesnt matter how many times
the only way to get cheats is by action replay
Fire and water are the best combination to beat the elite 4.
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
The best levels to have are 60 or above Pokemon wise i doesn't matter the easiest way to beat the elite four is train Pokemon that defeat each members Pokemon.
any level 100 Pokemon that is a dragon type
there are no specific Pokemon that can automatically beat the elite four. HOWEVER, ( i speak from experience) i beat the elite four with one Pokemon whitch was Samurott. i suggest using Samurott 2. hope i helped! :) - Raven
You have to catch at least 60 Pokemon and you have to beat the elite four including your rivalyou get it from oak after you beat the elite four and the elite four champion
beat the elite four and the champion.
Its best if you have 1 fire Pokemon and 1 ground Pokemon.
Crystal is suicune but im not sure of the rest. Emerald it's rayquazza. he can beat the entire elite four by himself.
You need to beat the elite four before you can get Zekrom.
You have to beat the elite four.
i beat the elite four with tangrowth,empoleon,typhlosion,rhyperior,lugia and snorlax (i traded most of the Pokemon to my game