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Unfortunately, there is no real answer to this.

James Cameron said that he left it up to the viewers to decide.

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Q: At the end of Titanic did Rose die?
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Did jack and rose die at the end of titanic?

Jack died

In Titanic when did cal die?

He did not die on the titanic but later died in the crash of 29 he put a pistol in his mouth if you whatch the movie rose says it at the end

Where do Rose and Jack reunite at the end of Titanic?

Titanic Grand Staircase

At what age does Rose calvert die in titanic?

Rose=the character died as an old lady- not as a victim of the Titanic sinking.

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Who does rose marry at the end in titanic?

Nobody - Jack dies.

What year did rose die from titanic?

You do know that she is a fictional character, right?

Did Leonardo dicaprico die in the Titanic?

In Titanic Jack Dawson ( Leonardo DiCaprio) does die at the end.

Did rose died when she got off th titanic?

no she didn't die when she get off of titanic! How would she have made her documentary or the film?

Whose pictures were those at the end of the Titanic movie?

The pictures were of Rose living out her life.

What year did the real Rose from the titanic die?

Gloria Stuart, who played the elderly Rose in Titanic, died in 2010 at the age of 100. The character of Rose is purely fictitious.

When did Rose from the Titanic die?

Rose died as an old woman just like Jack said.