No, there may be some countries where the leader tends to be socialist, but out and out communism there is no country in South America with this system.
The Tropic of Cancer doesn't touch any part of South America at all.
you would be in Antarctica.
No, jaguars are found only in North and South America.
Neither. Jamaica is a part of the Caribbean and technically a part of North America.
South Africa is a country in the continent of Africa, therefore Africa has a larger area (about 30.2 million km²) than South Africa alone (1,221,037 km2). South Africa contributes to about 4% of the total area of Africa.
South America extends farther south then any part of Australia.
Depending on where you are, the nearest communist country could be almost any South American nation, Russia, China, Vietnam or Cuba.
South America is not divided by any continent. It is a continent itself.
South America is below the Equator. Well, most of it is. The very top of South America is above the Equator. If you have any more questions, don't bother to ask! :~)
The Tropic of Cancer doesn't touch any part of South America at all.
In America a person is free to join ANY political or religious organization (so far).
Canada is in North America and does not share a border or any bodies of water with South America anywhere.
The Caribbean is not in any continent as it is situated south of North America and north of South America. However, it is considered to be apart of North America.
Diem was reportedly extremely anti-communist, and any national (citizen) showing communist trends was stomped out quickly.