No. There are two sets of twins in the Duggar family, and no triplets.`
Anna Duggar's wedding party consisted of the five oldest Duggar daughters: Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy Anna.
9 daughters:Jana Marie DuggarJill Michelle Dillard (nee Duggar)Jessa Lauren Seewald (nee Duggar)Jinger Nicole DuggarJoy-Anna DuggarJohannah Faith DuggarJennifer Danielle DuggarJordyn-Grace Makiya DuggarJosie Brooklyn Duggar
Michelle Duggar is 50 years old (birthdate September 13, 1966).
12: Josh, Jana, John David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy, Jedidiah, Jeremiah and Jason.
No, Jessa is the only girl Duggar that has naturally curly hair. No perms for her!
No. All the Duggar girls are mentioned. They are Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy-Anna, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie.
Anna Duggar's wedding party consisted of the five oldest Duggar daughters: Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy Anna.
Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy-Anna, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie and Mackenyzie as the niece of all Duggar Children.
Jessa Duggar's birth name is Jessa Lauren Duggar.
Jessa Duggar goes by Jessa Blessa.
Josh, Jana, John, Jill, and Jessa (so far) Jinger is graduating in 2012 and Joseph in 2013 and so on
Jessa Duggar's middle name is Lauren.
No. Jessa Duggar has not been kidnapped. This is a fraudulent rumor.
Yes, Jessa Duggar is married to Ben Seewald.
Jessa Duggar is married to Benjamin "Ben" Seewald.
9 daughters:Jana Marie DuggarJill Michelle Dillard (nee Duggar)Jessa Lauren Seewald (nee Duggar)Jinger Nicole DuggarJoy-Anna DuggarJohannah Faith DuggarJennifer Danielle DuggarJordyn-Grace Makiya DuggarJosie Brooklyn Duggar
Michelle Duggar is 50 years old (birthdate September 13, 1966).