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no if they have children that watch that kind of Cartoons then no. not at all if they think of of the memerioes then no. but no today cartoons are awful i don't think the kids would not know what cartoons use to be.

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12y ago

You dont have to worry if you are 20 years old and watch Johnny Test . If you simple like the cartoon ,watch it . Nothing wrong with it and it wont made you less mature . If you enjoy watching cartoons ,watch them.

Have fun :)

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14y ago

There is no reason for a 19 year old to not watch it. There is no reason for adults to not be able to watch it...

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13y ago

It is a proven fact that adults are not to old to watch kids cartoons..

~drake alijah~
Nope it depends ...

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12y ago

NO! It is not because you can watch WHATEVER you want when your 23!

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you can watch anything at any age jackass it doesnt mean anything ya feckin fail

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Q: Are adults too old to watch kids cartoons?
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Is it wrong and strange for middle aged adults to watch cartoons?

It depends if your watching it with your kids,that's even if you have kids.So put it this way,u can watch adult swim,its a channel that never gets old and basically says hey your 18 and older then watch some over rated cartoons.But you can watch some cartoons with your grand kids or just acth alone don't be embarressed.I'm 13 and i still watch spongbob.But don't watch to much cartoons or that will be a little weird.

Is it dumb to ask the same questions over and over again?

Yes very much so as you know first hand considering these are the other questions you've posted... "Is it a horrible thing if any 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad if any 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it an abnormal thing if 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Will a girl love a man if he's 21 and over and watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it dumb for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it abnormal for adults over 18 to watch ONLY cartoons" "Is it retarded if 21 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it stupid if an 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it a dumb thing if a 21 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb if a 19 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for a 19 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it weird for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it weird that 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it the wrong thing for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Why is it bad for 18 year old guys to watch only cartoons" "Is it a bad thing for a 16 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is society criticizing 18 year olds for watching only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Is it bad for a 21 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons as a 21 year old" "Is It Bad To Like Watching Only Cartoons At 21" "Is it good to watch only cartoons" "Is it horrifying if an 18 year old guy watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old guy" "Is it a bad thing if you're over 18 years old and watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18 years old" "Is it good or bad to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18" & "Why is it that teenagers lose interest in watching cartoons"

Why are 20 year old men considered childish if they watch cartoons all the time?

I watch cartoons non stop and i'm 21 =] People associate cartoons with kids but stop and watch some of them and you realise only the graphics and sounds are aimed toward children where as the content is most deffinately not for kids. Seriously, watch some episodes of Spongebob and I guarantee you you'll be like, " can't understand some of this..." - Whatever - Peace

Is it a fact or an opinion that an 18 year old watching only cartoons is the worst thing to do?

of cores not i am only 12 and i mostly watch cartoons but you should try to watch other stuff but no it is your choice but i do recommend you watch other stuff other than cartoons but you still can watch cartoons.

Do you believe that a person can get too old to watch cartoons like Atomic Betty Jimmy Two Shoes or Johnny Test?

Yes you can be to old to watch some of them

Related questions

Why is it that 3 year old kids watch only cartoons?

Cartoons are funny to them,and to some adults

Why do adults bully you if they know you like to watch cartoons as a 20 year old man?

I don't know, I'm 17 (almost 18) and I watch cartoons and no one gives me a hard time really. Maybe they just don't understand, alot of adults get the mentality that cartoons are for kids, try getting them to watch family guy one time then they can't say cartoons are only for kids.

Why adults treat you like a kid since you like to watch cartoons on a regular basis as a 20 year old man?

Probably because they think cartoons are for kids, which they are, but there's honestly nothing wrong with what kind of shows you watch.

Is it morally wrong for a 20 year old Muslim man to watch cartoons for kids and for adults?

no it may be stange but i wouldnt say morally wrong.

Why do adults enjoy old cartoons with old animation?

Because that's what they watche when they were kids

Why is it that a lot of adults in their late twenties and early thirties do not watch cartoons?

they are too old and watch ADULT shows.

Is it wrong and strange for middle aged adults to watch cartoons?

It depends if your watching it with your kids,that's even if you have kids.So put it this way,u can watch adult swim,its a channel that never gets old and basically says hey your 18 and older then watch some over rated cartoons.But you can watch some cartoons with your grand kids or just acth alone don't be embarressed.I'm 13 and i still watch spongbob.But don't watch to much cartoons or that will be a little weird.

When will adults realize that they're never too old to watch only cartoons?

Soon enough

Are adults over the age of 21 too old to watch cartoons everyday?

no way! your never too old!

Is it wrong for a 21 year old guy to watch cartoons everyday?

It's absolutely not wrong...if you have interest in cartoons. Kids don't make cartoons , they are made by adults , they make it because they love them , their are many like you , may be you also watches animes . Well...many adults watches animes and the world know it and animes are just not for kids and its the same case with cartoons ...i think everybody can watch it.if you wanna talk to me . . Here is my e-mail addresses

Why do people treat you like a kid if you like cartoons as a 20 year old man?

They assume that adults who watch cartoons are children in an adult's body

Is it wrong for a 20 year old man to watch Johnny Test?

Never ever say that, cartoons were created by adults for adults in the first place