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Review your child support order. Your child support obligation is governed by the order and state law. Some states extend child support for education purposes as long as the child is in school full time. Some end the support at eighteen or when the child graduates from high school.

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When the child turns 18, unless he/she turns 18 while still attending high school. In that case, child support stops after high school graduation.

There are some variables to this answer.

First of all, it depends on the laws of the state where the court which determines the child support is located and on the child support agreement.

If the child is disabled or dependent, the court can order child support to continue after the age of 18.

If the child gets married before the age of 18 or becomes self supporting, the court can order an end to child support.

If there is more than one child covered by the child support agreement, then the child support could change when one child reaches the age of 18 but, if the paying parent's income has increased, the support payments might increase, depending on the determination of the court.

The parents can also agree on reasonable child support and have it approved by the court, including continuing payment while the child attends college.

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It depends on the state. State laws vary but the age is generally eighteen.

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Child support stops when the child turns 18 or earlier if a courts rules as such. Child support may be for longer if the child is in college.

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No that person is an adult and child support stops at 18.

Do you pay child support on a minor not in school?

Yes, until the age when support stops, which can be up to age 21. see links below

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depending on what area the chiild lives, in most places child support stops at 18 if the child is not in school.

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Yes, if the court order provides for child support and insurance past age 18.

What age can you stop paying child support in Georgia?

The duty to pay child support stops at age 18 except when the child has not yet finished high school, and in that case it will continue until the child completes high school, but not past age the child's 20 th birthday.

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Child support stops in accordance with the court order(s) and the laws of the State in which the most recent order was entered. To terminate support, the obligor must show the court that: the child is deceased; the child has been adopted; the child is emancipated; the child has attained majority; and/or you have no income other than public assistance; and, you do not owe any past-due support.

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No. Visitation and child support are 2 separate issues and the child (although now adult) does not have to see the parent. The parent is always obligated to support the child anyway. Child support usually stops from age 18 though but in some states it can be prolonged when the child is in college.

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IANAL, but your son stops being a legal dependent at the age of 18. After that, you aren't obligated to do anything for them.

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The law that applies is the law in where the child is. In this case Florida.