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If te motorcycle is on a separate policy it might not, but since the ticket is in your name the next time the insrance company runs an MVR report on you they could find that ticket and increase the rates for all vehicles on the policy.

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Q: Will your speeding ticket on a motorcycle insured in your name affect your parents car insurance if you are a secondary driver on their policy?
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Does a motorcycle stay insured in the winter?

the normal insurance contract is 12 months, so yes it would be insured

If your friend gets a speeding ticket in your car and is NOT insured but you are and they didn't give the officer your insurance info what will happen?

In the US insurance has nothing to do with speeding. If your state has mandatory insurance, the fact that your car is insured is good enough but the officer may want to see proof of insurance. Here it is the vehicle that is insured, not the driver. In UK you should not let anyone drive your car on the public road without checking they are insured. You can be fined if you let them drive without insurance.

Can you be insured riding someone else motorcycle?

Yes, if you plan to ride it. Most State laws require the rider to also obtain the Insurance. For more information and resources on Motorcycle Insurance, check out

Can you get motorcycle insrance without a license?

No, Insurance companies require the rider to be 'road legal' and that includes the need for a valid license for the motorcycle to be insured.

What is the uninsured motorist clause about in the US?

The clause in a policy of insurance on a motorcycle, provides that if the owner of the motorcycle is injured by a negligent driver of another vehicle who doesn't have liability or insurance, then the insurance company will pay its insured's damages.

Is motorcycle insurance required in Iowa?

yes. I am an insurance agent for one of the biggest insurance companies out there and Iowa law states that anything with a motor on a roadway has to be insured.

Are you insured to drive other cars which are not insured?

You should double check with your insurance company to see how your policy is written, but usually your insurance would kick in as secondary coverage and you would be covered.

I was caught speeding in my mother's car but i am insured in my own car am I covered?

Yes, you are generally covered if you are caught speeding in any car as long as your driver's license is valid, your insurance is up to date, and you were not intoxicated. Your insurance covers you as a driver.

Will you lose your insurance for a speeding ticket in Florida?

depends on how many speeding tickets you have. your rates may go up and yes, you can lose your insurance. if that happens it is hard to get insured and you will have topay higher premiums until the ticket goes off your record.

Who will insure an unlicensed driver?

No one. If the person does not have a valid license they cannot be insured for any type of coverage concerning motor vehicles. not true just get your motorcycle permit and you can get insured i know plenty of people who dont have motorcycle licence and have insurance

Does someone driving their motorcycle which is registered in Florida have to have insurance while driving in Wisconsin?

IF:The motorcycle is properly registered and insured in Florida ANDThe insurance does not limit where the machine may be used (some Policies can do this to lower rates) YESThe insurance is valid.

Does a secondary beneficiary only receive funds from a life insurance policy if the primary beneficiary has already passed?

Yes. A secondary beneficiary only becomes beneficiary if the primary beneficiary dies before the insured. Say the insured and primary beneficiary are involved in a fatal auto accident but the insured dies an hour before the primary beneficiary. The insurance proceeds would not go to the secondary beneficiary but to the estate of the primary beneficiary. If the primary beneficiary dies an hour before the insured then the secondary beneficiary receives the proceeds. If an insured wants both to receive monies they can name more than one person as primary beneficiary and in what percentage for each person. They could also leave it to their estate and handle distribution by a will.