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Q: Why is it that some spectacular race car crashes produce only minor injuries?
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Why do some spectacular racecar crashes produce only minor injuries?

These cars have an advantage that they provide protection for drivers.

Are most bicycle crashes fatal?

About 75% of bicycle crashes are fatal. The 15% just have minor injuries. And the other 10% have major injuries.

Are all injuries emergencies?

No. Some injuries are simply minor ones.

Which is worse minor or major?

Major injuries are serious injuries such as a broken bone or a serious head injury. Minor injuries are one that are not big in nature, such as a bruise or small cut.

What function does a Minor Injuries Unit have at a Hospital?

According to information that is available on the internet there are articles that state that a Minor Injuries Unit would function to cater for minor injuries such as small gashes and grazes and other non serious medical walk in cases.

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How do you care for minor injuries at home?

For minor injuries like cuts and bruises you can clean the wound with some rubbing alcohol and apply neosprin or bacitracin ointment and cover the wound with bandaids.

What injuries would you get if a maypole hit you?

Minor, serious, or fatal.

What kind of injuries aren't fatal?

Generally those that are considered 'minor' ones. A cut finger, a sprained ankle, etc. Though it should be noted that even minor injuries can be fatal if not treated.

The RICE procedure is useful for A hypothermia B major injuries C hot-weather health problems D minor injuries?

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is used to treat minor injuries such as sprains or strains, usually to the arms or legs.

What are the positive and negative effects of car air bags?

Postive effects: less people die in car crashes, fewer serious injuries are caused requiring long-term medical attention, fewer minor injuries requiring short-term care. Negative effects: a small amount of nitrogen is released into the atmosphere (which would little effect, since around 80% already is).

In 2005 approximately 2.5 million people were injured on the roadway of the US is that true?

Yes, that statement is true. In 2005, approximately 2.5 million people were injured in road traffic crashes in the United States. These injuries ranged from minor to severe, highlighting the importance of road safety measures.