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the cars can get picked up by the wind

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Q: Why is cars a unsafe place to be during a tornado?
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Where is the best place to hide during a tornado outside?

The best place to hide during a tornado outside is in a low-lying area like a ditch or culvert, away from trees, cars, and other debris that could become projectiles in high winds. Lie flat and cover your head to protect yourself from debris. Avoid seeking shelter under bridges or highway overpasses as these are not safe options.

What Australian cars are unsafe?

the ones where the brakes don't work! :)

Should people leave their cars and seek the best shelter during a tornado?

Yes. It doesn't take a very strong tornado to lift or overturn a car. Such an event is potentially fatal to anyone in the car.

People should leave their cars and seek the best available shelter during a tornado?

If there's is a tornado and you are in your car then you should leave and search for the best available shelter. Usually that would be a ditch on the side of the road.

Should people leave their cars and seek shelter in a tornado?

Yes, people should leave their cars and seek shelter in a tornado. Cars are not safe during a tornado as they can easily be overturned or thrown by the strong winds. It is best to find a sturdy structure or a low-lying area and take cover for maximum safety.

Where is the worst place to be in a tornado?

The worst place to be in a tornado is outside or in a car. Outside, of course, you are completely exposed. Cars offer little to no protection from debris, the main killer in a tornado, and can be easily rolled or tossed as well. Other bad places to be include under a bridge, and in a trailer.

Worst place to be in a tornado?

The worst place to be in a tornado is in a mobile home or a vehicle, as these offer little to no protection from the strong winds and debris associated with tornadoes. It's important to seek shelter in a sturdy building or underground if possible during a tornado.

Is it safe to be in your car in the garage during a tornado?

It is generally not safe to be in your car in the garage during a tornado. The car could be damaged or lifted by the tornado, putting you at risk. It is better to seek shelter in a sturdy building or underground if possible.

What should you do if a tornado comes and you're in the open?

Find the nearest sturdy shelter, like a building or a low-lying area such as a ditch. Avoid trees, cars, and other structures that could become airborne during the tornado. Lie flat on the ground and cover your head with your hands.

Why are rusty cars a hazard?

They may become unsafe to drive due to rust weakening parts of the car.

Which cars have the worst safety rating?

Believe it or not, the Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid is said to have the worst safety rating. Of course, this can depend on what types of cars are being looked at .Sports cars can be fairly unsafe as well.

Do most communities have public shelter sites to use during tornadoes?

Many communities do have designated public shelter sites for use during tornadoes. These sites are typically chosen and maintained by local emergency management agencies to provide a safe location for people to seek shelter during severe weather events. It's important for residents to be aware of these designated locations and have a plan in place in case of a tornado.