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A company is actually a group of people working togather. So instead of addressing them all, we usually prefix the company name with M/s (Messrs) for respects, which is a plural of Mr.

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Q: When to put ms before a name?
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What does MS stand for before a name?

Ms. before a name means it is a woman who is not interested in stating if she is married or not. It is considered "professional". Many women in the workplace use the initials before their name.

Is A married woman can be write Ms before her name?

yes it can be ms (: ♥

When do you use Ms before a woman's name?

If the woman is single.

Can i put ms behind my name if i have a masters?

Yes, you can put "MS" behind your name as a suffix to denote that you have a master's degree. It is commonly used to indicate that you have completed a Master of Science program.

When do you put Mrs and when do you put Ms?

You put Mrs. when someone is married and you put Ms. when some one is not married.

What abbreviation should be used before an unmarried womans name?

The abbreviation "Miss" is used before an unmarried woman's name.

Where will you put the III in a name if you will write first the family name?

you put the before and after

What is the abbreviation of MS before a company name?

MS is used to address the members of a business that is run as a partnership. Then for some reason it was extended to include corporate businesses.

What do the initials MS before a ship name stand for?

MS stands for Motor Ship, just as SS stands for Steam Ship, meaning the type of propulsion.

How do i enter credentials after my name?

You don't. Only upper level degrees are put after a name.....MA, MS, PhD You could write "educator" under your name. I have done that.

What do you put before your name on a letter?


What does it mean when a women using Ms before her name instead of Miss or Mrs?

The title "Ms" was originally created by feminists around the early 1970s in order to have a title for women that is equal to the title "Mr" for men. The title "Mr" does not denote whether a man is married or single, and the title "Ms" was meant to be used in the same way, by women either single or married. "Ms" was never meant to be an abbreviation of the word "Miss," as a previous answer to this question stated. It is sad, that after nearly 40 years since being created, that such a question as "What does it mean when a woman uses Ms before her name" would be asked.