Direct Energy was acquired by NRG Energy in 2020. Therefore, its stock symbol on the New York Stock Exchange was DGNR prior to the acquisition. After the acquisition, it is now part of NRG Energy, which is listed under the stock symbol NRG.
There is no ticker symbol for Bloom Energy. They are currently a privately held company.
HUML.PK is the symbol for Humble Energy.
The NYSE common stock ticker symbol for Suncor Energy Inc., is SU.
Tenaska Energy is a privately-held company and as such has no publicly-traded stock.
Monster Energy
It's a private company. No stock symbol yet until the company goes to public.
The stock ticker symbol for NV represents NV Energy Inc. NV Energy is a utility company that provides services for both energy and natural gas.
The ticker symbol for Allegheny Energy is AYE and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
The ticker symbol for CMS Energy is CMS and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
The ticker symbol for CONSOL Energy is CNX and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.