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Q: What is the main energy source used by all motor proteins?
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What food type is the body main energy source?


Are the main source of energy?

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for herbivores (cows, horses, etc.). Proteins are the primary energy source for carnivores (dogs, cats, etc.).

Why are proteins your main source of energy if no carbohydrates are available?

because they are i dont know why tip look in a dictionary

What do cabohydrates do for your body?

The primary function of carbohydrates is providing energy for the body. Fats and proteins also provide energy, but carbohydrates are the main source.

Which macromolecule is used as main source of energy for a cell?

Carbohydrates, such as glucose, are the main source of energy for cells. Glucose is broken down through a series of biochemical reactions in a process called cellular respiration to produce ATP, the cell's primary energy currency.

What are the three main types of molecules in food that provide us with energy?

The three main types of molecules in food that provide us with energy are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy, while proteins and fats play important roles in energy production and storage.

The main source of energy in the human die?

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the human body. When consumed, they are broken down into glucose, which is used by the body’s cells as fuel to carry out various functions. Other sources of energy include fats and proteins, but carbohydrates are the body’s preferred and most efficient source of energy.

What the relationship between the planet and the sun?

the sun is the main source of energy of the earth the sun is the main source of energy of the earth the sun is the main source of energy of the earth

What is the source of energy for atoutroghfs?

sun is the main source of energy.

What is the the main energy source for life on earth?

Sunlight is the main energy source for life on earth.

What fossil fuel is the main source of energy for transportation?

Petroleum is the main source of energy for transportation.

What are substances that provide the energy and raw materials that the human body needs?

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the main substances that provide the energy and raw materials that the human body needs. Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy, proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues, and fats are important for energy storage and hormone production. Additionally, vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in various metabolic processes in the body.