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  1. the tough-skinned larva of a large crane fly. It lives in the soil, where it feeds on plant matter and can seriously damage the roots of grasses and crops.

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โˆ™ 7y ago
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โˆ™ 8y ago

A leather jacket is a jacket made of leather. The very earliest ones were made of horsehide. Many motorcyclists wear them.

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When was Chinaman-leatherjacket created?

Chinaman-leatherjacket was created in 1824.

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Smooth leatherjacket was created in 1801.

A leatherjacket is the larval form of which insect?

A leatherjacket is the larva of a cranefly.

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Southern pygmy leatherjacket was created in 1824.

Is a leatherjacket a fish a shoe or a plant?

A leatherjacket is a fish and the name of the larva stage of the Crane Fly, so it is also an insect.

What is a young cranefly called?

A young cranefly is called a leatherjacket.

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Arthur Wise has written: 'Weapons in the theatre' 'Leatherjacket' 'Who killed Enoch Powell?'

How do you cook a leather jacket on the barbecue?

You'd cook a leatherjacket the same way you'd cook any similar fish. It could be marinated first if you like, and it can also be successfully pan fried or baked.

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No Australian mammals begin with "u". Other native Australian fauna beginning with "u" include:Upland sandpiper (bird)Uniform swiftlet (bird)Unicorn leatherjacket (fish)

How does a daddy long legs protect itself?

well it is the most Venusians spider in the world but its vangs r too small to Peirce human skin so they just leave harmless bites and run away +++ Is it a spider in America then? Over here in Britain a Daddy-Long-Legs is an insect, aka the Crane Fly, harmless to humans. Its larva, the "leatherjacket" grub, feeds on grass roots.

Mosquito looking bug with no wings?

You are most likely referring to a cranefly. See Web Links for an image of the cranefly Depending on where you live, it has different names. I grew up calling it a mosquito hawk. The cranefly, the Montana mosquito and the leatherjacket are other names all for the same insect.

How do people on here feel when other people on here ask stupid questions?

It isn't possible to judge questions as stupid or otherwise. Some questions are asked by people, maybe young people, lacking sufficient experience to phrase the question in a readable fashion; others are asked by those for whom English isn't a first language, and so on. Contributors need to try to work out what the inquirer is intending to ask; sometimes this might require more than one answer in order to cover possible alternatives. You can't always make a decision on how the question should read, so it mightn't be appropriate to alter the question to something you think it should say. We all just do our best, and stay open-minded. Questions which are nonsense, or vandalism, or otherwise inappropriate, are frequently perfectly obvious, but others can look wrong to our eyes but be meant in an honest, inquiring manner. I recently answered a question asking how to cook a leather jacket on a barbecue. At first glance it looked like a nonsense question, but you have to consider all possibilities and a quick investigation showed a leatherjacket (one word) is a kind of fish, so I gave information on cooking it. quit trying to sound smart. no one is impressed and ull always be a virgin