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Legend says that he drove the snakes from Ireland but scientist have not found any fossil evidence that snakes ever lived in that country. The story is an allegory and the snakes represent the pagan gods that Patrick banished when he converted the country to Christianity.

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14y ago

ha ha funny! but St. Patrick got rid of snakes in Ireland!

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Q: What did Saint Patrick drive out of Ireland - a Mercedes snakes or cavities?
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What did Saint Patrick rid of in Ireland?

Legend says Patrick drove out the snakes. However, scientists have found no fossil evidence that snakes ever lived in that country. The snakes are symbolic of the pagan Druid gods that Patrick drove out by converting the country to Christianity.

Why did Saint Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?

Legend says that St. Patrick banished all the snakes from Ireland. However, scientist say that their is no fossil evidence that snakes ever occurred in that country.

When did Saint Patrick drive the snakes from Ireland?

Scientists have determined that snakes have never lived in Ireland. The snakes are symbolic of the pagan Druid gods that Patrick drove out of Ireland by converting the Irish to Catholicism.

What did Saint Patrick do to snakes?

Saint Patrick is said to have driven the snakes from Ireland. Some think that the "snakes" were symbolic of the pagan Druid gods since snakes have never existed in Ireland.

What is Saint Patrick famous for running out of Ireland?

There is no fossil evidence that snakes ever occurred in Ireland so Patrick could not be responsible for their demise there. The snakes are simply symbolic of the pagan gods that Patrick banished from the country when he converted the populace to Christanity.

What did snt Patrick banish?

Snakes from Ireland

What reptiles did St Patrick supposedly drive out of Ireland?

St Patrick drove all snakes out of Ireland.

What is said about snakes in Ireland?

There are none in Ireland. It is said that Saint Patrick banished them from Ireland.

What reptile is associated with Saint Patrick of Ireland?

Snakes are associated with St. Patrick. Legend says he drove all snakes from that country. However, there is no fossil evidence that snakes ever lived in Ireland.

Why did Saint Patrick banish snakes?

He didn't. Snakes have never existed in Ireland.

Did St. Michael drive away the snakes in Ireland?

The myth is that St. Patrick drove away the snakes in Ireland.

What is held as the traditional reason why St. Patrick was important to Ireland?

St Patrick is said to have driven the snakes out of Ireland.