Older ones, yes. Newer bikes are belt driven to the rear wheel and chain driven on the primary.
Some of the older one's dont
The Harley-Davidson electives can be added to your Motorcycle core program. Youll learn to troubleshoot, repair and maintain Harley-Davidson bikes through the Late Model Elective and you'll learn about older Harley motorcycles if you add the Early Model Elective.
oyster :) <3
That is what Marlboro man answered Harley Davidson when he asked him how did it feel to be an old man. (Harley Davidson and Marlboro Man is an old movie with Mickey Rourke)
Not possible.
Any gear oil designed for modern Harley transmissions will work fine in older Harleys, but if you want a specific weight, the factory recommends 80W90.
Depends on your local laws. Children here can ride as a passenger when they are 8 years of age and older.
The average price of a Harley Davidson engine is about $2000. There are older models one could acquire for as low as $1300, and newer ones could run as much as $5000-$6000.
Islands in a chain tend to be younger towards the end where volcanic activity is still occurring and older towards the opposite end where erosion has had more time to shape the land. This creates a progression of age along the chain.
Yes it is very possible.