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Yes. A suspended license is invalidated everywhere.

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Q: If your license is suspended for child support in one state will it affect it in another state?
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Does a suspended license affect car insurance premiums?


Can a loss of driving privileges for possession of marijuana when you are not in a vehicle affect your insurance?

Having your license in suspended status will affect the insurance, some will not even insure until the license is reinstated - but the reason it was suspended will not affect your insurance due to the fact that it was not a movingviolations.

Can a person fly with a suspended drivers license?

PILOT's license, or DRIVER's license?? You can pilot an aircraft with a suspended drivers license. One has nothing to do with the other. You cannot fly with a suspended pilot's license or you are in violation of FEDERAL law.

How does a DUI in Tennessee affect your Alabama driver's license?

Your driving privileges will be suspended in Tennessee for starters. More than likely, Alabama will hear of your DUI and will suspend your license.

If you move to another state will tickets in your current state affect your license or insurance?

Yes, if you move to another state, a ticket from your current state can affect your insurance. It can also affect your driver's license depending on what the ticket was for and if points were credited to your driver's license.

I was caught driving suspended and no registration in connecticutt but since then i have moved to Florida and now have a Florida license but the case in CT has come up will it effect my FL license?

I'm not entirely sure but it will probably have a small affect on your FL license if you're known to have been caught driving suspended and with no license! For future information - don't do it again!!!

How long does a suspended license stay on your record in PA?

Driving with a suspended license is one of the most serious offenses in Pennsylvania's Motor Vehicle Code. If you are convicted of driving with a suspended license in Pennsylvania, you will lose your license for a year and you could even go to jail. You can be sentenced to jail if you were driving under a DUI related suspension or have broken this law too many times. Whatever you do, do not just pay this ticket. If you pay it, you will do nothing more than buy yourself another year without your license. You should seek legal advice from a lawyer.

How does the insurance company of a licensed driver look at an accident where the driver they covered is at fault in an accident where the driver not at fault has a suspended license will the insuranc?

It does not matter to an insurance company that the other driver had a suspended license. Liability is determined by the factors of the accident and the evidence put forth. The fact that the other driver had no license does not affect liability or the handling of the claim.

Will a 16 year olds license be suspended for speeding in Texas?

In the state of Ohio (& Virginia), it is the judges decision. I received 2 speeding tickets within 2 weeks of one another and the judge amended one but suspended my license for 30 days for the other and fined me a hefty charge. So I am assuming it all depends on the laws and the judge.

Does cohabitation with another unrelated person affect child support?

No it does not.

Does adoption of child by non-biological parent affect the non-custodial parent as far as visitation and child support?

Yes, both are suspended.

Will it affect your insurance if a driver listed on your policy gets her license suspended?

Yes, they will raise your insurance because the driver with the suspended license is considered irresponsible and a major risk to them. Get them removed from the insurance. They are no longer allowed to drive, and are no longer driving the car, so the rates should actually go down. Once their license has been reinstated, and they need to be added back into the policy, the rates will go up.