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The cost of your heavy right foot is about to come home and hit you in the bank account. The fact that you "never had a speeding ticket " is irrelevant to the situation you are now facing. Now you do have one, and it sounds like a really costly one at that. Perhaps you need to re-think your attitude towards driving laws, and how expensive it is to break them. Not only will you have to pay a large cash fine, upon conviction in court, but you will CONTINUE to pay for the next few years, in increased insurance costs.

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If you get your first speeding ticket with no points does your insurance go up?

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Q: If you've never had a speeding ticket but just got one which added six points to your license how will this affect your insurance?
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How long do speeding points affect your insurance premiums?

Speeding tickets affect your insurance rates for at least 3 years in most states.

If you have a Georgia license and get a ticket for speeding in Florida will the points be assessed and will it affect your insurance?

yes the points will be assessed. you have to mail the money to the different state/county/whatever or you might be able to do it online by credit card. i think it affects your insurance same as if you were speeding in your state.

How much will your insurance increase with 8 points for speeding?

your insurance willl increase by 2,000 pounds with 8 points on your license

If you get a speeding ticket in Ohio with a Kentucky drivers license will it effect your Kentucky driving record?

Yes it will. The points system is affected nationwide and thus, regardless of where you go, unless the jurisdiction prevents out-of-state points to affect the driver's license (which Kentucky does not), it will affect your driving record as well as your insurance points.

Will a speeding ticket in MA affect NY drivers license?

When you get a speeding ticket, generally, points are added to your license. So yes, a speeding ticket that is out of state, will still effect your license.

Can an insurance company still charge you a surcharge or increase your premium if you get a speeding ticket reduced to 0 points in NJ?

Yes. There is a difference between driver's license points and insurance points. Anything that is on your MVR can raise your insurance rates.

Will a speeding ticket in Florida affect your driving license in North Carolina?

It is important to drive the safe speed limit that is posted. A speeding ticket in Florida will add points to a North Carolina license.

Does a speeding ticket in florida carry points on a new jersey license?

Yes, NJ will place two points against your license for an out of state ticket. Your insurance company will usually raise your rates.

How does two points on license at age of nineteen affect insurance?

the result affect is that you will pay more for insurance now than you did before.

How does 3 points affect your insurance in New York?

Three points on a license in New York can effect insurance rates. If points get too high, insurance can also be revoked.

If you have 2 points on your license for speeding in Ohio how much will Insurance increase your premium?

The increase in your insurance payments vary from company to company. Call your insurance agent, they can give you an estimate.

How do you determine how many points will be assessed for a speeding ticket?

This depends entirely on state law. Some states do not even have a point system and the same speeding violation can carry different point values in different states. The clerk of court or the DMV in your home state can advise you of how a particular violation will effect your drivers license. Remember that insurance points are different from drivers license points. You may be charged an additional insurance premium for a speeding ticket even though it carriers no drivers license points. lwpat