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Q: If two names are on a car title are both of those people liable for any tickets damages or accidents or only the person driving the car?
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If you have an accident making a left turn on a green light and it was considered your fault but the person of the other car was not suppose to be driving is their insurance liable for your damages?

No. In this discussing this with another person we came to the conculsion that you are still liable for the damages. We did think that you could take them to small claims court to collect for damages since they were not suppose to be driving.

How can you hold the title on a vehicle loan to a friend and not be liable for any accidents that he may get into?

If your name is on the title you will be responsible for all debts and damages.

Is your insurance company get notified of a parking ticket?

No, an insurance company does not get notified of a parking tickets. Insurance companies are only liable for handling accidents.

Can your friend drive your car?

If they're not on the rental agreement, they shouldn't be driving it. If they get into an accident, you'll be liable for all damages and costs.

If you were drinking and driving but did not cause the accident is the other persons insurance liable for all your damages?

Yes because you where still drinking

Can your friend drive your rental car?

If they're not on the rental agreement, they shouldn't be driving it. If they get into an accident, you'll be liable for all damages and costs.

Who is liable for damages that a thief causes?

The Thief is liable for the damages he causes. No one else. Take Care Insurance Plus

Uninsured driver driving insured car is he covered?

If a person is driving a car and he/she is uninsured but the vehicle in which he is driving is registered and insured to another individual, the registered owner is liable for the damages to the other pwesond's vehicle.

Who is liable for damages from an hit-and-run unlicensed driver and the insured owner of the vehicle was the passenger?

Both the Driver and the Owner are liable for the damages. The driver, whether licensed or not is the primarily liable party. The insured passenger owner is secondarily liable for damages by the unlicensed driver he permitted to operate his vehicle.

How is the word liable used in a sentence?

He is liable for the damages caused to the property.

Are police liable for damages done to a car that was searched while it was impounded because of drug charges?

If no drugs were found and you were aquitted completely, then they are liable for damages.

If you loan your car to someone and they have an accident are you liable for medical costs?

Only if the crash was a result of a mechanical defect in the car, and you knew of the defect before loaning the car to them. If the crash resulted from their actions while driving (or another person's), you are not liable. If the person driving your car was at fault, you will be responsible for any damages.