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Q: Do years with a learners permit count as driving for insurance in al?
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Does it count against your insurance if you get a driving under suspension that gets thrown out of court and don't count against you?

You just answered your own question. If it was thrown out and don't count against you, then obviously it don't count against you.

What happens when driver with learners permit makes a traffic violation like running a red light?

If your license restricts you from being certain areas, or times of the day or week and you are caught at a red light and are violating the rules then you could it could be revoked. You will then have no driving privileges for the remainder of you suspension.

Will your insurance go up because you received a ticket?

This will depend on the rest of your driving record and the underwriting and rating rules of the insurance company that you are using. depending on the state and insurance you have. Sometimes if you have 1 ticket insurance sometimes doesn't count that against you. If you get another ticket in before 3 years is up depending on the state you live in it then will count against you. So if you live in NC and have 1 ticket and don't get one for other three years it doesn't count depending on the insurance company.

What percentage of Americans carry a gun?

No way of knowing. There are people that carry with a permit (they can be counted to some degree) some states do not require a permit (no way to count people there) and people that carry illegally with no permit (no way to count).

Does red light camera infractions go on your driving record in Washington state?

It Appears it does not, as the City of Lynnwoods website states it is a civil infraction and does not count against your driving record and is also not reported to insurance agencies

Will driving suspension affect auto insurance?

Do you mean drivers license suspension? If so, it depends on the insurance company. It used to be that non-moving violations didn't count on your insurance rating but in the past few years they have starting allotting points for items like this.

What are the importance of integers?

Integers help learners to count numbers and also to help in calculating numbers.

How many points does insurance count for suspended drivers license and how long does it stay on record with insurance company in Arizona?

A suspension of the drivers license will be visible for 5 years on your driving record and doesn't show up as any points.

Does having no claims on motorcycle insurance count when asking for car insurance?

Having no claims for a significant amount of time would definitely help keep your insurance premium down. In facts, at-fault claims and driving record are the two biggest factors affecting premiums in most states.

Can I insure a car if I don't have a drivers license?

"To own a car you need a license, thus, you need one to insure a car. They check your DMV driving record when you get insurance plus they count how many years driving as part of the method to determine insurance cost." Is the first sentence accurate? I am disabled and don't drive, but have an attendant drive me. Can I legally own a car, and have an attendant included on the vehicle insurance?

Does learner's permit count as a valid driver's license?

For identification purposes, yes.

Does a prayer for judgment count on insurance?

you need or you will get in jail