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Q: Do both players need a monster for shallow grave?
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Can you activate Compulsory Escape Device if you control no monster in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Because Compulsory Escape Device says both players have to shuffle one monster into deck, it can't be activated unless both players can do this. If it was correctly activated and something happened in chain to it to make one player control no monsters, that is different. In that case only the player who has a monster will shuffle one into deck.

Who jumps into Ophelia's grave?

Both Laertes and Hamlet.

How many players are there on both teams in baseball?

There are around 25 players on both teams.

Is the trap card Metal reflect slime a monster?

its both a monster and a trap

What can the Gila monster and the goliath tarantula both do?

they can both urinate.

Does your opponent have to attack a monster you summon with A Hero Emerges?

No, not at all. When the defending player summons a monster after an attack has been declared, a 'replay' occurs. The attacking monster has to choose whether to continue its attack or discontinue it altogether and forfeit its attack that turn. If it continues the attack, it can be against a different target. If the monster was making a direct attack, and a stronger monster was summoned, then the attacker will most likely discontinue his attack. He can't continue as a direct attack, but is not forced to attack the newly summoned monster either.

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Can you activate Dragged Down into the Grave if either player had no hand in Yu-Gi-Oh?

No. Because Dragged Down into the Grave requires both players to reveal their hand so one card can be picked, it can't be activated if either player has no hand. Also, even if it was activated correctly, it will resolve without effect if before it resolves, one player empties their hand.

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In the game of Economics, workers are the players who function as both producers and _consumers_

Is Monster Hunter 2 out in America?

Monster Hunter 2 and a newer game, monster hunter freedom unite, have both been released in America.

In yugioh what happens if your monster attacks a monster with the same attack power?

Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.

Can both players on halo 3 get the skulls?

yes as long as none of the players are guests for the acheivment and they both have to pick it up =>