1993 was the last production year of the Nighthawk. Source: http://hondanighthawks.net/750.htm No, it was 2003 for the Nighthawk 750. The little Nighthawk 250 is still being made. Both were introduced in 1991. The 750 was Motorcycle of the Year that year.
750 multiplied by 650 is 487,500
the will fit but they are not the same seat. the 750 seat is just a little shorter than the 920. I put one on my 920 until I could recover the original.
Reg. fuel should work fine. ( 87 Octane ) if problems go to 89. Oil. 10w40 is good.
The manual.
jc Whitney catalogs it. whether they actually have it or not...
owners manual will tell you
3.1 quarts
Well all depending on the shape of the bike and the amount of miles on it it can go anywheres from 1500 to 2500 if its mint it all depeneds on the shape with older bikes hope that helps