Backfire is an explosion produced by a running internal combustion engine that occurs in the intake or exhaust system rather than inside the combustion chamber,
get a diagnostic scan. even if the check engine light is not on, a code may appear. also, some diagnostic tools can monitor the engine while it is running to get a better idea of how your car is running.
sticky valves. marvel mystery oil in the intake thru a vacuum line while engine is running. it will smoke out the exhaust for a minute and the neighbors will be mad but oh well
If the engine is running and the alternator is good. If the engine is not running, no.
A backfire is caused by a misfire... a cylinder fails to ignite the fuel which may cause a stutter, it may also cause a back fire due to it pushing that un-ignited fuel into your manifold where it then ignites from the heat of the other cylinders and boom you have a backfire...
If it backfires after you shut it off then it is probably running too rich. Any unburned gas the that is exhausted out and into the muffler will explode with a backfire. With a 1990 model you won't have the anti-backfire solenoid on the bottom of the carb like the newer ones have. If it backfires while it is running it might be out of time. Check the keyway between the crank and flywheel to make sure it is not partially sheared.
No , just when the engine is running
I do not know of any snowmobiles that have a button like that. They all have a kill switch that shuts the engine down, and if you push it while under higher rpm's and release it, than there is a chance for backfire.
Get engine running. While the engine is running disconect the POSITIVE termninal from the battery. If the engine dies, the Alterntor is bad.
The alternator - it provides a charge to the battery while the engine is running.
If a 1996 Cadillac Sedan DeVille is making a backfire noise from the engine compartment while at a steady speed, it is probably due to a bad oxygen sensor. The vehicle could also have one cylinder that is not firing or a problem with missing exhaust or the catalytic converter.
Is the engine running ? no