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Q: Why can't by cycles stand up by themselves?
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Why can bicycles not stand up by themselves?

They can. They just require a kick stand.

Why would it anger someone to have to stand up for themselves?

People have to stand up for themselves when others do something wrong. This usually causes anger. For example, if someone says something offensive another person could stand up for themselves and tell them to stop rather than letting the comment pass.

What does it mean when you try to stand up but you cant you keep falling down?

Your drunk

What are the values of NHL Captains?

Good English AND can stand up for themselves and the team.

Why did Randy and Candice break up?

Because she cant stand for a man to treat her right

Why shouldn't you stand up when you are eating?

you cant because your food wont process right you cant because your food wont process right

How do you do an elevator on the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

sorry you cant as its been patched. but basically you have to find the glitch under the very edge of a ledge. simply walk straight up to a ledge where you can crouch under but cant stand up under. so walk up to a ledge. change stick layout to legacy southpaw rotate your player slightly clockwise or anti clock. if you move clockwise you have to move to the left to where you cant stand under the ledge. and vice versa if anti clock if you moved to the part where you cant stand, you have to now find the part in-between the ending of the ledge, where you can stand and cant stand. its hard to explain but there are great tutorials on you tube. :^)

What do lions never do?

Stand up,Talk,ea themselves,pee on old ladys

How did veterans show there bravery and do they excelle in different ways?

they do it by showing how to stand up for themselves

Who did Martin Luther King Jr. encourage to stand up for themselves?

black people

Why won't bikes stand up by themselves?

Because they're two tired! LOL

What do most of the children that get bullied do as a cause of bullying?

Not fight back or stand up for themselves