segways are not dangerous unless you light in on fire!
your friend
Segways were invented in 2001.
Segways can be ridden at various activity centres in the UK but the use of Segways or 'Hoverboards' in public areas (including parks, pavements and roads) is illegal as they cannot meet the safety and insurance regulations that current law requires.
they use segways
The use of Segways was banned in NYC due to safety concerns and regulations regarding motorized vehicles on sidewalks and public spaces.
Uni cycles and segways
around one million
In New York City, the use of Segways is regulated by local laws. Segways are allowed on sidewalks and bike lanes, but not on roads or highways. Riders must be at least 16 years old and wear a helmet. Additionally, Segways are not allowed in certain areas like parks and pedestrian plazas. It is important to follow these regulations to avoid fines or penalties.
South Korea Also manufactured in New Hampshire, USA
Yes. I've tried it and nothing happened.