Most accidents happen where there are the most people. HOWEVER, about 50% of fatal accidents happen on rural roads.
According to auto experts, the main causes of motorway accidents are driving too fast and faulty observation. Also, driving too closely is another major cause.
merits of motorway? merits of motorway?
Of course you can! In fact most people wouldn't even see a bike on a motorway in the first place!
the most accidents happen in thekitchenbathroomstairs
Most accidents occur on take-off.
at an intersection
C. Ostenfeld has written: 'Motorway bridge across Lillebaelt' 'Motorway bridge across Lillebaelt' 'Motorway bridge across Lillebaelt' 'Motorway bridge across Lillebaelt' 'Motorway bridge across Lillebaelt' 'Motorway bridge across Lillebaelt'
Most accidents happen on the highway or on the ghats on the hill.
london motorway
Motorway is a compound word.