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On a two lane Hwy and its a solid yellow line. Never on a curve when you cant see apposing traffic. Just drive safely and everyone will be better off.

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Q: Where should one avoid overtaking on the road?
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When a personal water craft is overtaking another vessel which vessel must give way?

The overtaking craft should give way, as the overtaking craft should be the one with the most control, as it is initiating the move.

Which boat should stand on when one boat is overtaking another boat?

I would add that a smaller boat overtaking a larger boat or ship should always give way or alter its course because a larger boat or ship cannot quickly slow down or change its course. The larger vessel already underway should continue, without the added concern of an overtaking smaller boat causing a collision.

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the give-way vessel?

The vessel overtaking another vessel

When you are traveling on a two-lane road and a vehicle ahead of you stops for a pedestrian you must?

You must also stop. Especially if by overtaking you risk running down the pedestrian! One should always drive with consideration to other road user, be they a car that has stopped (you may not be aware why the car has stopped!), pedestrians, cyclists, horse-riders, etc.

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the stand-on?

Rule 13-International Overtaking (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules of this section any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken . In other words the vessel being overtaken is the stand-on vessel and the overtaking is the giveway vessel.

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the stand-on vessel?

Rule 13-International Overtaking (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules of this section any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken . In other words the vessel being overtaken is the stand-on vessel and the overtaking is the giveway vessel.

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the stand on vessal?


How far ahead of you on the road shold you look to avoid a crash?

one mile

When one vessel is overtaking another which one is the stand on vessel?

the vessel being overtaken

What is a oneway road?

a road in which you, by law, should only travel in one direction.

What to avoid in Rome?

If one is in Rome one should try to avoid having their picket picked and certainly try to avoid getting run into by a Vespa.

One boat is overtaking another. Which boat must give way?

faster boat