The battery on almost all MOTORCYCLES is under the seat, It is on your Honda MOTORCYCLE too, call A Honda dealer, ask for service, they will be happy to tell you how to get to it.,,,,,Good luck, Jamison.
The battery is under the driver's seat.
under the seat
The battery is YTX 14-BS
You can use, for example, a Yuasa YTZ14S motorcycle battery.
Under the front seat.
YTZ12S from Yuasa
That is the battery I have had in my 2005 Spirit 750 for two years with no problems.
The manual.
Remove the seat. The battery is under a cover right under the seat and next to the gas tank. Remove negave terminal first, then positive terminal. Release strap holding battery. Pull out battery.
The battery is located in your trunk behind the molded carpets that form the trunk walls.
The fuse box is located between the tach and the speedometer. under the cover above the dash . The main fuse is located under the left hand side cover in front of the battery.