Honda 250r
the Honda 250r is a four stroke actually the Honda cr 250r if a two stroke. the four strokes are the 250f's or the crfs. ever the Honda cr 500r is a two stroke. the Honda fourtrax 250r quad is a two stroke. trust me i ride a 88 250r and have a fourtrax 250r and have had 2 other 250r's all two strokes
A person can look for a Honda ATC 25OR for sale through sites like eBay or CraigsList. One can also search through 3WheelerWorld, MotoSport, and OffroadVintage.
The 250R is going to win
How do you remove the front sprocket from Honda trx 250r
what are the horsepower rating on a1983 Honda 250r atc
a 250r atc is def faster
No, it will not. 81-84 are the same
Depends on the rider. But the answer should be, "No".
The fuel-oil mixture for Honda 250r 1984 must be 2 percent of syntetic oil .
no they will not that is when they changed sorry it ried to do this already