This Yamaha VIN, JYAVP11E42A032444 is an XVS1100. If you have a 17 digit VIN, chances are a VIN decoder will reveal what information it contains.
That is a 2000 YAMAHA TTR125.
2003 YAMAHA WR450F
It's not a Yamaha Vin number. The vin number is for a 2008 KTM SX.
that's a 1984
Yamaha YA6 1964 to 1966
The VIN comes back to a 1993 Yamaha YFM350FW motorcycle.
2006 xv1700a
What year is my yamaha xs400 engine number 4r5
It's a 1985 XJ700
year and model yamaha vin 510203147