All Stihl products use a 50:1 mixture
All Stihl products use a 50:1 mixture
Generally 30W of SF or higher rating
Use regular Stihl 2 cycle oil. You mix it 50:1.
actually Stihl has their own synthetic 2 cycle oil we highly recommend for use in all Stihl products
More than likely SAE 30 weight synthetic. Your owners manual will list the recommended oil.
2 cycle
Mower engines use 30Wt
If it is electric no, petrol powered ones normally do as they would use a "2-stroke" mixture.
The fuel ratio for a Stihl MS250 chainsaw is typically 50:1, which means 50 parts gasoline to 1 part oil. It's important to use a high-quality two-cycle engine oil that is specifically designed for outdoor power equipment. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the fuel mixture to ensure proper engine lubrication and performance.
If you use Stihl genuine two stroke mix, then the ratio is 50:1 eg 500ml to 25 litres fuel
50 to 1, using a quality full synthetic oil like Stihl Ultra. Don't skimp on oil. Use the best.