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This depends on the looks and condition of the bike. They sell from $1.500 up tp $4.500 and even more. For the highest price, engine must be rebuilt and the gearbox in mint condition, also paintwork and chrome must look like new.

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Q: What is the value of a 1976 Honda Goldwing motorcycle?
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What is the value of a 1976 Honda goldwing ltd?

This is one of the 1st generation of the gold wings. It is not really worth anything at this time. If you are considering to buy it, then look for something after '85.

How much is a 1976 Honda cbr 750 motorcycle?

4,555 dollars

Where was the Honda CG125 manufactured?

The Honda CG125 commuter motorcycle was originally manufactured in Japan and was in production from 1976 to 2008. This motorcycle was created for third world countries.

Where does the transmission fluid go on a 1976 Honda goldwing 750?

First, Honda did not mak a "750" Goldwing. In 1976 the Goldwing was a 1000 cc machine known as the GL1000. As for transmission fluid, the 1976 GL1000 does not use transmission fluid. It has a wet clutch, and the engine oil provides all the lubrication that the clutch and transmission requires. For this reason it is extremely important to use the correct engine oil and change it at regular intervals. For detailed information check out

Blue book value on 1976 Honda goldwing?

I believe there is not really a book value on a "76. The 1000 cc gold wing was just into production and there were problems with it. I did not like the frame, as it was prone to high speed wobble. Also, the dressed version parts were not made by Honda. The change came in "80 with the interstate 1100 cc complete from Honda. The '84 to "87 1200's were made better.

What oil do you use in a 1976 Honda 750 motorcycle?

Actually, what the factory did recommend then, is no longer available! You can use any syntetchic oil, since these are FAR better than what was available back then in 1976. --

In what years was the Honda CG125 motorcycle manufactured?

The Honda CG125 was first produced in 1976. Production was stopped in 2008. In the UK this was a popular model for learners. The CG125 model has now been replaced by the CBF125.

Where is the VIN on a 1976 goldwing?

check the bottom left windshield or on your driver door, but you have to open the door first.

Who makes the RD400 motorcycle?

The RD400 motorcycle was created by Yamaha. When Yamaha created the RD400, this motorcycle was the talk of all motorcycles. This motorcycle was originally made in 1976.

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Honda Accord was created in 1976.

When was Shane Byrne - motorcycle racer - born?

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