Ive read and been told both that once the helmet has been dropped on a hard surface, you need to replace it. I would say if you have dropped it many times from a substantial level on a hard surface, its probably a good idea to replace the helmet. IF you have cracks anywhere replace it. If you are doubting the durability then replace it. Hope that helps.
Motorcycle helmets need to be either DOT or SNELL certified, if the helmet has that certification then you can use a scooter helmet on a motorcycle.
If there is no helmet law in your state, the cost of motorcycle insurance is the same whether you wear a helmet or not.
Wearing a motorcycle helmet is highly crucial for one's safety while riding a motorcycle. It can save one's life if one gets into a crash or accident.
Yes, you are required to buy a motorcycle helmet to ride in NC and obtain a motorcycle license. This applies to all motorcycle riders regardless of age or motorcycle power.
State-by-state guide to motorcycle helmet laws http://news.consumerreports.org/cars/2011/06/state-by-state-guide-to-motorcycle-helmet-laws.html yes
Motorcycle rider and passengers are required to wear a helmet in california. It is a good law since chances of surviving a motorcycle crash without a helmet are slim.
You need to wear a motorcycle helmet any time you get on a motorcycle, but in Florida it is only required for anyone under 21.
form_title= Motorcycle Helmet form_header= Buy a motorcycle helmet that fits. Do you want a full face helmet?*= () Yes () No Do you want a clear visor?*= () Yes () No What color helmet do you want?*= _ How many helmets do you need?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}
I think that a motorcycle helmet would be a good present for your husband, because it would reignite his love for what he used to do. I think that it would brighten up his life and yours also.
yes yes. on motorcycle.
You are NEVER too old for a helmet!
Yes , you can use a motorcycle helmet for a snowmobile.