10,000 per year average
Average is about 30,000. It honestly depends on what you're driving.
Based on the Land Transportation Office the average daily mileage of a Filipino vehicle is around 32 miles or 51.499008 kilometers and in the average yearly basis of a filipino vehicle is around 11, 680 miles or 18,797.138 kilometers
Average yearly mileage is considered 10,000 to 12,000 miles. A 2001 model would have 70,000 to 84,000 average miles.
what is the yearly average rainfall of spain?
It is similar to the average yearly precipitation in the USA.
Average yearly mileage is 12,000 a year, so a 2001 car should have 84,000 miles or less.
the average yearly temperture in the Bahamas is mostly sunny and rainy
What is the average yearly income in the state of texas?
What is the average yearly rainfall in Hong Kong?
Romania's average yearly rainfall is 670 mm.