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Technological advances made in the past 15 years to catalysts and engines can now significantly reduce motorcycle emissions. As a result, the ARB has adopted a new set of standards that will apply to 280cc and larger motorcycles starting in the 2004 model year with additional reductions required in the 2008 model year. HC and oxides of nitrogen (NOx, the other of two important smog-forming compounds) emissions are combined into a single new standard that will give manufacturers additional flexibility to lower emissions and provide motorcycles that meet consumer needs. HC plus N0x emissions is required to be reduced to 1.4 g/km for the 2004 model year and 0.8 g/km for the 2008 model year. This represents a significant reduction over the current standards while being feasible and cost effective. It is important to note that these actions will not affect motorcycles produced prior to the 2004 model year, nor require the retrofitting of existing motorcycles to meet new standards. The ARB is also discussing with manufacturers a proposal to offer an incentive plan encouraging the introduction of cleaner motorcycles prior to the 2008 model year.

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It depends on the state that you are building the bike in... I would check the Department of Motor Vehicles web-site for your state to get the answer. The new rule aims to enforce the Clean Air Act by reducing the number of exempt custom motorcycles that small shops can build and individual riders can own. The rule also drastically reduces tail pipe emissions for all motorcycles effectively making carburetors a thing of the past and electronic fuel injection and catalytic converters a mainstay.

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