theres 2 hoses coming out of oil tank on bottom...One goes to the oil pump other one clamps on to frame. Take clamp off and drain the hose...That will drain the oil
Bottom of oil pan.
14 mm
Does not have one. If you want to drain gear oil you remove the diff cover.
The primary oil drain Plug on my 98 FXDWG is loacated under the primary outer chain case to the rear of the case, just look under and you will see a plug. my plug is a torx type head so needless to say I use a torx bit to remove it when I drain the oil.
it is on the passenger side of the oil pan, kind of hidden behind the cross member
It is that drain plug looking thing at the bottom left of the radiator.
To drain the coolant system on a 98 Corsa, locate the drain plug under the radiator. Remove the plug and catch the run-off in a pan.
It would be found at the lowest point of the engine's oil pan. It takes a 15mm wrench to remove it.
The drain bolt is at the front of the car on the right side (driver side) of the pan 19mm socket the filter is directly above the drain bolt. Make sure you position the pan with enough room since the oil will come out about 6-8" beyond the drain plug.
The engine coolant drain plug, on a 1998 Ford expedition, is located on the bottom of the radiator. The drain plug will come out by turning to the left.
There is no drain plug. Unbolt the bottom pan of the tranny and pull the filter off.
Why not just try different size metric sockets until you find the one that fits.