a 1996 mxz 583 motor makes between 96 to 100 horsepower in stock form with clutch kit it feels like its got more
6,000 mph
150 psi
less then a 95 zr 580
21ft lbs
The 3 cyl 98 ski doo 800 has 132hp stock
Ski doo Yamaha has nothing on ski doo
Ski-Doo snow mobiles were supposed to be called ski-dogsnow mobiles, but they had a typing error, so they had to keep it as ski-doo. good luck to all,QuestionGuru12
A ski-doo goes 50-60 km.
The Ski-Doo was originally intended to be named the "Ski-Dog" because Bombardier Recreational Products (the manufacturers) meant it to be a practical vehicle to replace the dogsled for hunters and trappers. By an accident, a painter misinterpreted the name and painted "Ski-Doo" on the first prototype.
Ive got the same motor and sled and i recently rebuilt mine and i called Ski-doo who gave the following specs jugs 28 FT head 28 FT primary clutch 60-74 FT that's all i needed torque wise.