Found a 1986 Yamaha FZ600 for sale. Going for $800.
Some of the Yamaha motorcycles that came out in 1986 are: FJ1200, FZ600, FZ750, XJ600, XJ700, XS400 and YX600. The YX600, also knows as the Radian, was the most affordable at that time.
Hello! I have a number of wiring diagrams for Ténérés on my web site - have a look on : In particular, I have 1986 1vj model - and 1986 3AJ model's wiring diagrams. You will find a link to the diagram downloads if you click on the feeler gauges on my front page! Its says 'USEFUL STUFF' Happy wiring! Mardi XT Girl
need diagram for wiring for 1986 transam
I need the wiring diagram on a 1986 Chevy silver ado dual fuel tanks
location and wiring of the horn relay
the only wiring diagram i have found on line for free so far is at
The Nissan shop manual has a complete wiring diagram, they can be found on e-bay.
A wiring diagram can be found as a print out from an automotive store. A person can also get it from the cars maintenance manual.
Try MOTORLIT.COM yyou can get either a wiring diagram or owners manual which will have it.